I have always had a deep passion for the fashion industry. I adore collecting designer shoes, such as the ones I recently spotted on Taylor Swift at the Chiefs game, as much as I enjoy finding a beautiful sweater while thrifting.

All clothing is a form of art, and it serves as a delightful outlet for exploration. Since 2008, I have been involved in the beauty industry, and integrating set design into my range of services has introduced me to a whole new world. I am here to demonstrate that anyone can have stunning photos.

My true niche became apparent when I had the opportunity to collaborate with many (and I mean many!) talented photographer friends. This allowed me to delve into my passion for whimsical design and storytelling.

The Face & Creator behind Sunshine & Savasana:

Leslie Kinross-Wright

The talent I have had the privilege to work alongside is truly remarkable, and I hope to have the chance to create something beautiful with you.

Originally hailing from Denver, Colorado, I still enjoy taking clients there and flying back to visit my family. Additionally, here in Sioux Falls, I teach yoga at Form Fitness. Hence, the name "Savasana," representing the final resting pose in yoga. If we don't connect through a collaborative project, I look forward to seeing you in one of my classes!

Since I’m always asked :) Savasana is pronounced (shah-VAH-sah-nah) It is the final resting pose in yoga!

collaboration is key

I know all too well how much work goes into the creative process, and because of this I strive to always give proper accreditation to the incredibly talented people I work with. You will see this in my portfolio, and on my instagram if you follow along with me there. (@sunshineandsavasana)

I also wanted to be sure to say thank you to Jase (Jase Dewald Photo) for letting me use photos from one of my all time favorite shoots all over my website. 

I also wanted to say thank you to Courtney (Lacuna Studio) for creating this website that houses all the information I’ve been storing in my mind for far too long. It’s so refreshing to have a space on the internet that is all mine!